Justin's Microbiology Journal
Thursday, August 26, 2004
It's been a hiatus of about 2 months for me from doing any bio research. Since my daughter got out of school, we've been travelling (Taiwan, Japan) and hiking (White Mountains, Kings Canyon) and playing some video games (AC, Doom 3). So lots of relaxing, but I'm getting back into work mode this week since coming back from Japan.

I've been refreshing my knowledge of computational biology and string algorithms from when I worked on Dan Gusfeld's team at UC Davis as a student. I'll be applying to some biotech companies as a computer programmer rather than a biologist, since I've got no credentials in biology but have tons in CS. I briefly flirted with being a doctor, but there's no getting around the 7 year pipeline for a full MD. Eventually I hope to leverage my skills from CS into Bio within the same company, and get hands on experience in both realms in biotech.

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