Justin's Microbiology Journal
Friday, June 04, 2004
Apparently it's not particularly safe to run a lab from your home. Not necessarily from a health perspective but from a legal perspective. Here's a professor who was charged with bioterrorism. I have to take issue with the professor's stated goals, his agenda was not purely benign. Anyone who professes to believe in releasing mutated strains of plants or bacteria into the wild is basically irresponsible.

It's depressing to me, but it really does take just a limited amount of knowledge and readily available supplies for terrorists to culture harmful bioagents. It's not a question of if, but a question of when some terrorist will kill more people than Aum Shinrikyo.

But the more people we have working in microbiology and related fields, the more we'll learn about vaccination, detection, and clinical treatment for various ailments. I'm glad I'm in the field now.

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