Justin's Microbiology Journal
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Just a quick post. I've had a great burst of studying microbial interactions with humans, both positive and negative, and of studying various techniques for controlling and killing microbes.

Finally I understand chemically the various antiseptics, disinfectants, growth control factors, and antibiotic actions and effects. Knowing by what pathway how growth control factors and antibiotics work and are classified is so useful, I should summarize it and post in a separate blog.

I also want to stress the value of probiotics. We absolutely depend upon a healthy flora on our skin, in our gastrointestinal (and for women vaginal) tract, and in our nasal and upper bronchial mucus. For example, many people only get sufficient vitamin K from the metabolic byproducts of bacteria in the intestine. Especially when on various broad spectrum antibiotics, we not only kill pathogenic bacteria, but essential bacteria as well. This can lead to opportunistic infection by pathogenic bacteria, vitamin deficiencies, and understimulation of the immune system.

Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptotoccus thermophilus are found in live yogurt cultures, but do not live past the stomach. So other species of bacteria should be used, like Bacillus Subtillis found in natto (fermented soybeans), lactobacillus casei strain shirota found in a Japanese drink called Yakult, and preparations of enterococcus and escherichia coli in pill form, all of which should survive into the intestine.

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