Justin's Microbiology Journal
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Well, my Microscope salesman quit his company. No wonder I haven't gotten my scope yet. Sigh. The company promises to get me my scope by Wednesday.

On the up side, my staining and fixing chemicals have come in.

Methelyne blue: for nuclei and nucleic acids, and useful for identifying diptheria.
Eosin: for cytoplasmic staining and anything generally alkaline in nature. Useful for alkaliphilic bacteria like Bacillus halodurans.
Iodine tincture: for glycogen and complex carbohydrates
Carmine: generic protein stain
Crystal Violet and Saffranin: for gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial identification, as well as molds, protozoa, and fungi.

It will be interesting to compare phase contrast microscope identification with bright field staining techniques. Especially since I shelled out the bucks for the phase contrast capability :)

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