Justin's Microbiology Journal
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Still hard at work, I've polished off everything to do with DNA replication, transcription, and translation in Prokaryotes and Archaea. I'll review further when I get into genetics, but right now I've got a good handle on quite a few things: Shine-Dalgarno areas, regulons, variations in sigma factors for RNA polymerase, self-excising introns in RNA, telomerase for linear DNA prokaryotes, helicase, rationale for variance between coding for selenocysteine and a stop codon, different strategies for ribosomal transcription regulation, etc., etc.,

I'm currently deep into virii: methods of replication, phylogeny, strategies for survival, temperate vs lytic, culturing, etc., etc.,

Microscope makers do not want to sell me a microscope at all. Sigh. Nothing yet.

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