Justin's Microbiology Journal
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Back from Australia and New Zealand for a week now, and deep into the Microbiology. I'm studying all of Brock Biology of Microorganisms. Excellent book, one of the best organized textbooks I've seen to date. So far I'm into chapter 5 of this 1000 page book. Partial List of my studies:

Overviews of Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya, with much interest on my part on extremophiles. I'll probably devote a few blogs to extremophiles.
Memorization of the important macromolecular structures such as nucleosides and phospholipids. Gah, I need more ochem.
Cellular membrane structure with gram positive and gram negative and archaeal cell walls. My current area of extreme interest, primarily transport proteins.
Flagellae, Fimbrae, and biochemical basis of locomotion from chemotaxis through magnetotaxis. Sophisticated AI through chemistry, amazing.
Endospore morphology and formation. Boiling water won't kill endospores.
Catabolic and Anabolic cellular reactions, including most important catabolioc pathways, electron transport, and PMF. Lots of memorization.

The BA450 and its mount for my F828 are due this week, the microscope is actually a wee bit late (grr).

I've also grabbed the MIT textbook on Genetics from Genes to Genomes to study after my current area.

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