Justin's Microbiology Journal
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Time passes, the scientific community learns and the world is changed thereby. So many changes, so many things to learn. I'm a former Microsoft employee who's semi-retired and looking to do good. I hope to prove that curiosity can overcome comfort, intellectual challenges can satisfy more than leisure, and a 39 year old can completely reverse direction and eventually contribute to a field he's had no practical or theoretical experience with.

My scientific education focused heavily on computer science, mathematics, and physics. No biology since sophomore year in high school, and only a basic chemistry class. I'm going to see if someone can self-teach themselves all the way into a PhD program with enough time, energy, and money. Then the goal is to contribute to the world either via disease treatment, or understanding of the soft sciences via the hard science of biology.

The first book I read was Instant notes on Biochemistry

Good overview book, made me realize I need to lots more organic chemistry :)

I've been watching the research channel on satellite and recording interesting lectures on microbiology. There is an excellent series on biomedical research that I've been trying to watch an hour a day on. Link is here: Biomedical Research Series

I'm also going to go off and check out their interactive web site. Haven't done that yet though, just noticed it.

I decided to take classes at San Jose state this spring, but I then decided to wait until fall since I want to visit New Zealand and Australia while my family has this free time. To prepare, I've been using the MIT open coursework classes to self-study.

Goals: Endeavor to be more rigorous about studying every day. Get a microscope and set up a mini lab.

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